Dale Odum Barrow & Ann Quaterman Harrington Inducted 2007 Tennis luminaries of the first magnitude, Dale Odum Barrow and Ann Quarterman Harrington are the first duo inducted into the Sports Hall of Fame. All other inductees have been on an individual basis but...
Berry Tanner Inducted 2007 Few times did Waycross or anyone else beat the Atlanta Red Devils who dominated the Okefenokee Midget Bowl for many years. One of the few times Atlanta did lose, Berry caught a TD pass in a 6-0 Waycross victory for the Midget Bowl...
Hank Aldridge Inducted 2007 At the All Sports Banquet for Ware County High School in May of 1976, Hank was named Ware’s Most Outstanding Athlete. His achievements which culminated in this award are as follows: He was awarded the outstanding offensive lineman trophy in...
Darrell Page Inducted 2006 As a muti-talented athlete in high school, Darrell played football and basketball four years, baseball three years and tennis two years. Although an outstanding tennis player, Darrell is best remembered as the starting quarterback for the...
Sam Stovall Inducted 2006 Sam was honored as the Best All Around Athlete at Waycross High School his senior year. He played four years of basketball and tennis and two years of football. He was the quarterback on Coach Paul Leroy’s 1969 team that finished with a...
Sarah Hughley Smith Inducted 2006 Sarah enjoyed a spectacular career in basketball at Center High School from 1951 though 1955. She was the scoring leader for Coach Charlie Rawls’ highly successful team. Her speed and agility made her an effective scorer inside and...